Teacher profile

vitality yoga

I was introduced to the natural health benefits of Yoga by Francoise Freedman. Encouraged to study Yoga more deeply I took classes with Gill Wills who introduced me to an approach known at the time as Viniyoga.  I went on to an intensive teaching and study programme of 1,000+ hours over 6 years with the Centre for Yoga Studies (cYs) with Paul Harvey, Sheila Baker and Gill Lloyd.  The programme has its foundation in the teachings transmitted by T. Krishnamacharya and his son T.K.V. Desikachar of Chennai, India.

These teachings respect the application of Yoga according to the starting point and needs of the individual.  There is a strong emphasis on consciously linking the breath with movement and awareness, of moving in and out of carefully constructed sequences with steadiness and ease and with truly experiencing the function of the posture.

Special thanks are given to all my teachers, in particular to my one -to-one teacher and mentor, Sheila Baker, and to Gill Lloyd, Paul Harvey, Peter Hersnack and Srivatsa Ramaswami all of whom have studied and continue to work with enormous dedication in this lineage.  To have a strongly rooted foundation allows for stable and expansive growth and Continuing Professional Development in India, England and France plays an important part in my own Yoga practice and study.

I have a very varied student base. It is of mixed ability range, and ages from 7 to 87 years have undertaken the practice of Yoga.  People attend classes or individual sessions for many reasons such as reducing pain, improving movement patterns, addressing breathing patterns, assisting in stress and anxiety management and actively promoting health, wellness,vitality, joy and relaxation and discovering that this potential is within themselves.


Teacher Affiliations:

Centre for Yoga Studies (cYs)

British Wheel of Yoga (BWY)

Association for Yoga Studies (aYs)

European Union of Yoga (EUFNY)


T. Krishnamacharya:

“Teach what is inside you, 
Not as it applies to you, to yourself, 
But as it applies to the other”