Group Classes

vitality yoga

The focus in both group classes is on becoming aware of a conscious link with the breath and then synchronising breath and movement.  This can begin to enhance vitality, strength, flexibility, balance and stamina in the body, clarity and stillness in the mind and joy in the heart.  There will be times of quiet seated breathing to experience how to relax and let go, to re-energise and enliven, to be aware of internal balance.

Wednesday evening 6.15-7.15pm ( mixed level)  completely on zoom

– Thursday lunchtime 12-1.00pm (mixed level) limited in person spaces at St Mark’s Community Centre, Newnham, Cambridge

Classes are run and paid for on a termly basis. It sometimes happens that a student is unable to attend one of the classes of the term and there is always an opportunity to make up the missed session in the other class.

Fees for the term are non-refundable and non-transferable.



“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well”