About Yoga

vitality yoga

Yoga is an authentic tradition that heals the body and the mind. It is a natural, proactive system of health, wellbeing and vitality that dates back thousands of years and supports the interconnected layers of the human system.  As a well tried and tested modality, it is experiential, revealing and self-empowering.

The focus is individual centred and encourages self awareness and self-responsibility.  Practice often begins with moving the body, engaging a conscious breath and being mindful of one’s own potential. Yoga is an evolving process and encourages embracing change, of whatever nature, in an acceptable way for the individual.

The application of yoga works on several levels and addresses physicality, breath and vitality, mental patterns, personality traits and characteristics, emotional patterns and a capacity for calm, clear thinking and heartfelt joy.


  • Improves and develops strength, flexibility, balance, stamina and posture through movement with awareness
  • Maintains a healthy spine
  • Enhances energy and vitality
  • Promotes mental clarity, concentration, calmness, self understanding, insight and wellness
  • Develops emotional resilience and stability
  • Reduces stress and anxiety levels
  • Can help with a variety of systemic imbalances- musculo-skeletal, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, reproductive, hormonal etc.
  • Can help change unsupportive habits and develop healthy ones
  • Taps into one’s own natural, inner resources


T.K.V. Desikachar

“ Conscious breathing is one of the greatest tools to influence the effect of the postures without changing the posture”