Yoga Holidays

Vitality Yoga

A yoga holiday offers an ideal opportunity to get away from your usual routine and make time and space to relax, unwind and refresh in an environment that supports this intention. Turning away from habitual routines for a week and tuning in to the internal changes that have an opportunity to express themselves, revealing perhaps hidden potentials. Only you can bring to the world what you do bring!

On the holiday there are twice daily yoga classes suitable for all, plus ample free time to explore the surrounding areas, walk, swim, read or just ‘be’.

We have so far travelled to the Italian Alps, to southwest France, to Greek islands.

Practising yoga regularly in this way allows the body, mind and breath to ease into a much deeper experience of yoga.  In one week approximately 15 hours are dedicated to appropriate yoga practice – more than a term’s worth of classes!

The yoga, the delicious food, beautiful and simple accommodation, the quiet locations, wonderful sunshine and the opportunity to find time to be with yourself – nourish the soul, relax the body and calm the mind, turning homewards at the end of the week invigorated and centred!




“Be you 

Be aware 

Be boundless energy 

Be none except I “